Barabai Studio Apps

Super Kumis Runner 1.0
Game petualangan seru dan menegangkan.Kamu akan berpetualang bersama Mr. Kumis dalam menjelajahihutandalam game Super Kumis Runner ini. Kamu bakal menghadapiberbagairintangan yang bakal membahayakan nyawa Mr. Kumis. Jadibantu Mr.Kumis dalam melewati berbagai bahaya tersebut dengansentuhanjarimu.Kumpulkan juga coin monster sebanyak-banyaknya agar kamubisamenjadi pemenang dalam permainan ini. Selamat mencoba.Adventure games funandexciting.You'll adventure with Mr. Mustache in exploring the forest inthegame Super Runner's mustache. You will face many obstaclesthatwould endanger lives Mr. Mustache. So help Mr. Mustache inthroughmany perils with a touch of your finger.Collect coin also monsters as much as possible so that you canbea winner in this game. Good luck.
Layar Pecah Tertembak 1.0
Layar Pecah Tertembak (Screen Prank)adalahsebuah aplikasi yang mampu menghadirkan lelucon unikdismartphonemu. Kamu bisa mengerjai teman-temanmu dengan aplikasiinidan buat mereka terkejut. Ketika layar di sentuh makaakanterdengan bunyi dor! Dan seketika layar terlihat pecah danrusakserta mampu memberikan efek berdarah. Penasaran? Silakan cobadandownload, lalu bagikan aplikasi ini kepada teman-temanmu.Fitur:- Mudah di gunakan- File berukuran kecil- Efek suara terdengar asli.- Gratis.- Tak perlu root androidmu.Layar Pecah Tertembak (Screen Prank) is an application thatcandeliver unique smartphonemu joke. You can work on your friendswiththis application and make them surprised. When the screen atthetouch will terdengan sound bang! And once the screen was brokenanddamaged and able to provide bloody effects. Curious? Please tryanddownload, and then share this app with your friends.Features:- Easy to use- Files are small- Sound effects sounded genuine.- Free.- No need to root your android.Layar Pecah Tertembak (Screen Prank) est une application quipeutfournir blague smartphonemu unique. Vous pouvez travailler survosamis avec cette application et les rendre surpris. Lorsquel'écranau tactile terdengan Bang son! Et une fois que l'écran étaitcasséet endommagé et capable de fournir des effets sanglants.Curieux?S'il vous plaît essayer de télécharger, puis partagercetteapplication avec vos amis.Caractéristiques:- Facile à utiliser- Les fichiers sont de petite taille- Les effets sonores retentirent authentique.- Gratuit.- Pas besoin de la racine de votre android.Broken Screen Shot(ScreenPrank) is an application that can deliver uniquesmartphonemu joke.You can work on your friends with thisapplication and make themsurprised. When the screen at the touchwill terdengan sound bang!And once the screen was broken anddamaged and able to providebloody effects. Curious? Please try anddownload, and then sharethis app with your friends.features:- Easy to use- Files are small- Sound effects sounded genuine.- Free.- No need to root your android.Broken Screen Shot (Screen Prank) is an application that candeliverunique smartphonemu joke. You can work on your friends withthisapplication and the make them surprised. When the screen atthetouch will terdengan sound bang! And once the screen was brokenanddamaged and Able to provide bloody effects. Curious? Please tryanddownload, and then share this app with your friends.Features:- Easy to use- Files are small- Sound effects sounded genuine.- Free.- No need to root your android.Broken Screen Shot (Screen Prank) est une application quipeutfournir blague smartphonemu unique. Vous pouvez travaillersurcette application avec vos amis et les rendre surpris.Lorsquel'écran tactile au son terdengan Bang! Et une fois quel'écranétait cassé et endommagé et capable de fournir deseffetssanglants. Curieux? S'il vous plait essayer de Preview,puispartager cette application avec vos amis.Caractéristiques:- Facile à utiliser- Les fichiers sont de petite taille- Les effets sonores retentirent authentique.- Gratuit.- Pas besoin de la racine de votre android.
Boboi Kids Super Saiyan 1.7
Boboi Melakukan fusion dengan goku dan kini iamemeliki kekuatan baru (kuasa delapan). Boboi menjadi manusia supersaiyan.Boboi Kids Super Saiyan melakukan petualangan seru di padangpenuh salju. Ia sendirian menyelesaikan misinya. Menghadapirintangan dan bahaya dalam setiap levelnya.Ayo kamu bantu Boboi Kids Super Saiyan menaklukkantantangannya.Fitur:- Grapik yang indah dan memukau- Game yang seru dan mudah di mainkan- Tersedia 3 level tantangan: easy, medium, dan hard.- Musik yang merdu dan indahAyo download game Boboi Kids Super Saiyan ini, dan tingkatkanhingga bintang 5.Boboi Doing fusion withgoku and now he has their new power (the power of eight). Boboi besuperhuman saiyan.Boboi Kids Super Saiyan doing exciting adventures in thesnow-covered wilderness. He completed his mission alone. Facingobstacles and dangers in every level.Let Your Kids Super Saiyan Boboi help conquer the challenge.features:- Beautiful graphical and riveting- The gameplay is fun and easy to play- There are three levels of challenge: easy, medium, andhard.- The music is melodious and beautifulDownloadable games Kids Come Boboi's Super Saiyan, and increaseto 5.
Sammy Si Fireman Pahlawan 1.7
Al kisahSetiap musim kemarau tiba di Indonesia selalu terjadi pembakaranhutan untuk membuka lahan baru pertanian, al hasil banyak hutanyang kemudian terbakar karena api tidak bisa di kendalikan lagi disebabkan api semakin besar di terpa angin.Sam seorang pemadam kebakaran (fireman)mencoba untuk memadamkanapi. Namun, sial baginya, ia malah terjebak dalam kebakarantersebut. Nah..mampukan Sam selamat dari kepungan api?Ayo kamu bantu Sam untuk menyelamatkan diri, banyak rintanganyang harus ia lalui agar selamat keluar dari hutan. Kumpulkansebanyak-banyaknya air agar Sam bisa hidup dan selamat.Ayo mainkan gamenya dan temukan keseruan di dalamnya.Once uponEvery dry season in Indonesia has always happened burning foreststo open up new land agricultural direct result, many forests whichburned down because the fire can not be controlled again caused thefire getting bigger in the mounting wind.Sam fireman (fireman) tried to extinguish the fire. However, badluck for him, he instead trapped in the fire. Nah..mampukan Samsurvived the siege of the fire?Come you help Sam to save themselves, many obstacles he had togo through in order to survive out of the woods. Collect as muchwater so that Sam can live and survive.Let's play the game and find the fun in it.
Shiva dan Sepeda Super 2.1
Shiva Pembasmi KejahatanShiva adalah serial animasi terrbaru besutan dari Bollywood yangkini tayang di antv. Shiva adalah anak pemberani, bersamateman-temannya ia bermain, berpetualang, dan menolong oranglain.Shiva antv sangat menghibur dengan grapik animasi 3D yangmemukau dan indah. Kini kamu bisa memainkan karakter Shiva dalamgame ini...menghadapi tantangan, rintangan, serta bahaya.ayo download sekarang juga.Disclaimer:Game ini bukan aplikasi resmi, hanya buatan pengggemar untukpenggemar. Selamat memainkan dan semoga menghibur...Shiva Crime BustersShiva is the animated series terrbaru made from Bollywood whonow live in the quiz. Shiva is a brave boy, along with his friendshe was playing, adventure, and help others.Shiva antv very entertaining with stunning 3D graphic animationand beautiful. Now you can play the character of Shiva in this game... to face the challenges, obstacles and dangers.let's download it now.Disclaimer:This game is not an official application, only artificialpengggemar for fans. Congratulations play and hopefullyentertaining ...
My Name is Shiva 1.0
Shiva AntvSerial animasi Shiva cycle a thon yang kini tayang distasiuntelevisi nasional Antv telah berhasil mencuri perhatiananak-anakIndonesia...Shiva anak pemberani yang selalu berpetualang dengansepedasupernya selalu di nanti setiap hari. Keberaniannyamenghadapibahaya, melawan penjahat, dan menolong orang lainsungguhmemberikan kesan yang positif...Kini kamu bisa memainkan game petualang shivamenghadapirintangan dalam genggamanmu. Game ini akan memberikankeseruan,keasyikkan, serta ketegangan..."Jangan panggil aku anak kecil, Namaku Shiva- My NameisShiva...Ayo download, mainkan, dan share...Disclaimer:Game ini bukan aplikasi resmi, hanya buatan penggemar untukparapenggemar.Shiva AntvAnimated series Shiva cycle a thon is now live onnationaltelevision quiz has managed to steal the attention ofIndonesianchildren ...Shiva brave boy who is always an adventure with a bikesuperclassalways in later every day. Courage to face danger,againstcriminals, and helping others truly give a positiveimpression...Now you can play the game adventurer shiva face barriers inyourgrasp. This game will provide excitement, keasyikkan, as wellasthe tension ... "Do not call me a child, my name is Shiva- My Name isShiva...Come download, play, and share ...Disclaimer:This game is not an official app, just a fan made forthefans.
Petualangan Shiva Antv Super 2.1
Shiva cycle AntvShiva Cycle A Thon, serial animasi 3D ini sedang sukses dantelah mempunyai fans yang cukup banyak.serial ini menceritakan tentang anak pemberani bernama Shiva. Iaberpetualang bersama teman-teman dalam menghadapi berbagai masalahdalam setiap episodenya...Jika kamu salah satu penggemar serial ini, yuk download gamePetualangan Shiva Antv Super ini....Gamenya seru, mudah dimainkan, dan pastinya sangat menghibur.Kamu akan di bawa berpetualang dalam setiap levelnya, dari yanggmudah hingga yang sulit...ayo download dan mainkan sekarang juga...Peringatan:Game ini bukan game resmi, hanya buatan penggemar. Game ini jugamembuat baterai cepat habis karena keasyikkan bermain...hehe...Shiva cycle AntvShiva Cycle A Thon, a 3D animated series is being successful andhas had a lot of fans.This series tells the story of a brave boy named Shiva. Headventure with friends in dealing with various problems in everyepisode ...If you're a fan of this series, let's download game AdventureSuper Shiva's quiz ....Exciting game, easy to play, and certainly very entertaining.You will be brought journey in each level, from easy to difficultyangg ...Let's download and play now ...WARNING:This game is not an official game, just a fan made. This gamealso makes batteries run out quickly because keasyikkan play ...hehe ...
Super Saiyan Z 1.0
You are a fan of Sun Guko, Vegeta, orSuperSaiyan? If true, now you can make your favorites into abackgroundof your android keyboard.Your android keyboard will be different, elegant, andmoreriveting. You can show it off to your friends and makethempraising your android keyboard.Disclaimer:This app is not an official app, just a fan made for the fans.Italso does not provide asset of character images Super Saiyan,pleaselook for yourself and set with this application in order tobecome abackground image of your android keyboard.
Robocar Rtv Adventure 1.8
Robocar RtvAyo kawan-kawan kita berpetualang dengan mobil tangguh danjagoan,Robocar, dalam menghadapi rintangan dan tantangan dalamsetiaplevel permainan ini. Robocar adalah serial kartun yangmenceritakantentang kumpulan alat-alat tranportasi yang bekerjauntuk membantumanusia.Ayo baruan download dan temukan keseruannya.Disclaimer:Game ini bukan aplikasi resmi, hanya buatan penggemaruntukpenggemar. Selamat menikmati permainan ini.Robocar RTVCome on comrades we traveled by car and whiz tough, Robocar, intheface of obstacles and challenges in each level of thisgame.Robocar is a cartoon series that tells the story of acollection oftools that work to help transport humans.Come have fun and find renewal download.Disclaimer:This game is not an official app, just a fan made for thefans.Enjoy this game.
Om Telolet Om The Game 1.7
Om Telolet OmKalimat "Om Telolet Om" seketika menjadi viral di dunia mayadipenghujung tahun 2016 lalu. Tak hanya di Indonesia, di luarnegeripun sebagian artisnya juga ikut demam Om Telolet Om..yaitubunyiklakson sebuah bus.Nah...dalam game ini kamu bisa memainkan game petualanganserusebuah bus dalam menghadapi rintangan dan bahaya ketikamengantaranak-anak pergi ke sekolah...Ayo bantu bus-nya agar selamat sampai ke tujuan, dan kamuakanmendapatkan Teloletnya...Om Om TeloletThe phrase "Om Om Telolet" instantly became viral in cyberspaceatthe end of 2016 ago. Not only in Indonesia, abroad was partlytheartist also fever Om Telolet Om..yaitu Hooter a bus.Well ... In this game you can play a game adventure a bus intheface of obstacles and dangers when dropping children goingtoschool ...Come help her bus in order to safely get to the destination,andyou'll get Teloletnya ...
Background Tembus Pandang 1.0
Background Changer of PhotoSekarang kamu bisa dengan mudah mengganti latar belakangfotomu(Background) dengan aplikasi Background Tembus Pandang.Dengan menggunakan aplikasi Background Tembus Pandang iniakanmembuat fotonya menjadi lebih cantik dan elegan. Kamu bisadenganbebas memasang latar belakang fotomu dengan berbagaipemandanganyang menakjubkan dan indah sekalipun kamu mengambil fotohanyadalam ruangan.Foto-foto indahmu akan siap di bagikan pada berbagai mediasocialmilikmu seperti facebook, instagram, whatshap, twitter,path,ataupun media social lainnya.Ayo download dan bagikan foto-foto kerenmu…Background ChangerofPhotoNow you can easily change the background of yourpicture(Background) with Invisible Background applications.By using an application Invisible Background This will makethepicture more beautiful and elegant. You can freely installabackground picture of you with a variety of stunning sceneryandbeautiful even if you take a photo only indoors.The photos will be ready in your beautiful share yours onvarioussocial media like facebook, instagram, whatshap, twitter,path, orother social media.Come download and share photos of your cool ...